AAPACN is dedicated to supporting post-acute care nurses provide quality care.

Member Central

AAPACN Member Central

Welcome to AAPACN! Whether you’re a new member or a long time member, Member Central is your one-stop spot to get familiar with all the benefits your AAPACN membership provides you, so you can make the most out of you membership investment.

Get Started

If you’re a new member, follow these steps to get started with your AAPACN member benefits.

  1. Log in and explore. To access member-only content on the website, you’ll need to login using the login and password you received from AAPACN when you joined. Contact our member services team if you need assistance. Check out these how tos:
  2. Visit the AAPACN Connect community to update your profile and join community discussion groups.
  3. Maximize your membership by taking advantage of the following benefits of your membership.

News and Information

Education and Certification

Training and Tools

Networking and Community