AAPACN is dedicated to supporting post-acute care nurses provide quality care.

DNS Body of Knowledge

DNS Body of Knowledge

Members: Free |  Non-members: $41

The DNS Body of Knowledge answers the question – what exactly does it take to be a successful DNS? A lot! Leadership finesse, sound clinical knowledge, organizational-oversight and management experience, business acumen, budgeting chops, staffing savvy—DONs need a well-rounded set of skills to lead their nursing teams to excellence in the face of regulatory demands and real-world constraints.

DNS Body of Knowledge defines core competencies for nurse leaders striving to become a DON

Understand the Importance of DON Competency

AAPACNS’s Body of Knowledge for the Role of Director of Nursing Services in Long-Term Care identifies, defines, and measures the core competencies required of Directors of Nursing Services (DNSs) practicing in SNFs. The Body of Knowledge will be helpful to:

Facility Management 

Successfully hire and train your facility’s next DNS. Knowing what skills your next DNS needs is key to that person’s success and longevity with the organization. This Body of Knowledge will prepare you to write a clear and accurate job description, thoroughly vet candidates during the interviewing process, and reduce turnover.

New and Prospective DONs

Learn what you need to know to fulfill your role as a DNS. There are lots of things required of the DNS that you simply do not learn in nursing school, from budgeting for a unit to engaging the IDT team in quality improvement, and beyond. The Body of Knowledge is a comprehensive guide to what will be expected of you day to day in your new role, helping you to be successful.

Practicing DNSs

Demonstrate your competencies to staff and superiors.  When you solve problems, institute care delivery improvement mechanisms, and prepare staff for the next survey, you are demonstrating a wide variety of skills that improve resident care and quality ratings. The Body of Knowledge will help you to demonstrate these skills by preparing you for the DNS-CT exam and enabling you to articulate to your value and the importance of your role in care delivery to your superiors.

The Body of Knowledge includes a comprehensive list of domains and tasks detailed with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to be a successful DNS and a comprehensive DNS career map. The Body of Knowledge is available as a complimentary download for AAPACN members by clicking the “Purchase” button above.

Non-members may purchase a download for $30. Not a member? Join today! You can also get a sneak-peek at the guide by completing the form below. Upon completion, you’ll be provided with a link to download a preview.