AAPACN is dedicated to supporting post-acute care nurses provide quality care.

MDS Toolbox

MDS Toolbox

Members: $43 |  Non-members: $257

Tools to Help the Administrator and Nurse Leader Oversee the MDS Process

The MDS drives care plan development, determines the billing codes used for Medicare, and is used to calculate many of the publicly reported Quality Measures. Often the nursing home administrator (NHA) and the director of nursing services (DNS) are not experts in the MDS and Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) process which makes it difficult to provide the oversight and leadership to this key clinical position. With so much riding on the completion of the MDS, nurse leaders need every advantage to oversee the process and provide support to the nurse assessment coordinator (NAC).

AAPACN's MDS Toolbox assists the nurse leader with oversight of the RAI process

AAPACN’s MDS Development: A Toolbox for the NHA and DNS is a collection of practical tools designed by AAPACN nurse experts to assist the NHA and the DNS with the oversight of the role of the NAC and the RAI process. The MDS Toolbox provides straight forward guidance and tools to help nurse leaders implement processes to support the NAC and ensure the MDS and all other aspects of the RAI process are functioning well.

The MDS Toolbox is comprised of 19 tools including:  

  • MDS Nurse FTE Calculator
  • 10-Week Nurse Assessment Coordinator Orientation Guide
  • Professional Development Plan: Nurse Assessment Coordinator (NAC)
  • MDS Assignments
  • MDS Completion Audit
  • Daily Clinical Brief
  • Guide to Resident-at-Risk
  • Medicare Part A Primary Diagnosis Selection Tool
  • Skilled Care Services and Documentation Communication Tool
  • Medicare Meeting Tool
  • Triple Check

View the table of contents for the full list of tools included in the MDS Development: A Toolbox for the NHA and DNS.