Discharge Planning for Licensed Staff In-Service Education

Discharge planning is an important and necessary process to ensure residents have all the resources, equipment, and support they need for success when they return home. This in-service education will enable licensed nurses to understand the components of the discharge process and develop a solid discharge plan, helping residents to make …

Caring for Residents Who Have Had a Stroke – Nursing In-service Education

Stroke is a leading cause of disability and death in adults in the United States. Therefore, it is a common problem seen among residents of long-term care facilities. Residents who have had a stroke typically have some weakness and difficulty caring for themselves. This in-service education will assist staff to …

Caring for the Resident Receiving Dialysis – Nursing In-service Education

Many residents in nursing homes receive dialysis. It’s imperative that licensed nurses understand how to care for this population. AAPACN’s Caring for the Resident Receiving Dialysis – Nursing In-service Education guides nurses to understand what dialysis is, how to recognize potential side effects, and interventions to implement to prevent complications. This AAPACN …

National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel Releases Standardized Pressure Injury Prevention Protocol

The National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel has released the second version of their Standardized Pressure Injury Prevention Protocol – abbreviated as “SPIPP” (pronounced S – PIP). The SPIPP is a shortened checklist of preventive actions to implement at the bedside, adapted from the 2019 Guidelines on pressure injury prevention. As …

The Three Ds: Dementia, Delirium, and Depression – Nursing In-service Education

Participants will learn to define and differentiate dementia, delirium, and depression, and recognize nursing interventions for each condition, especially dementia. Download now. For permission to use or reproduce this tool in full or in part, please complete a permissions form. 

Person-Centered Care Planning – Nursing In-service Education

Participants will learn to identify requirements of a person-centered care plan, identify ways to develop a relationship with a resident that facilitates care planning, and define person-centered care according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Download now. For permission to use or reproduce this tool in full or …

Basics of Emergency Care for Medical Emergencies – Nursing Assistant In-service Education

Participants will learn to identify the risks for medical emergencies for skilled nursing facility residents and select basic actions to follow when a medical emergency occurs. Download now. For permission to use or reproduce this tool in full or in part, please complete a permissions form. 

Deconditioning – Nursing In-service Education

Participants will learn to understand the effects deconditioning may have on a resident, identify risks for deconditioning, and identify what can be done to recondition a resident. Download now. For permission to use or reproduce this tool in full or in part, please complete a permissions form. 

Caring for Residents Who Wander – Nursing Assistant In-service Education

Participants will learn to identify at least two residents who wander and discuss the factors that could cause their wandering, guide learners in developing a plan to reduce these residents’ wandering based on their unique causes, observe the unit for environmental factors and activities that could contribute to wandering behavior, …

Stay Alert for Hypoglycemia – Nursing Assistant In-service Education

Participants will learn what diabetes is, how to recognize the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia, and what certified nurse aides (CNAs) should do when they see a resident might be experiencing hypoglycemia. Download now. For permission to use or reproduce this tool in full or in part, please complete a permissions …