AAPACN is dedicated to supporting post-acute care nurses provide quality care.

Disrupting Inaccessibility with a Journey of 500 Miles

As long-term care nurses, many of you spend your lives caring for those with disabilities and life-threatening diseases. You live each day knowing the people you care for may not wake up tomorrow; however, you are here to make sure that their today is the best it can possibly be for them.

In the documentary, I’ll Push You: A Camino Journey of 500 Miles, Two Best Friends and One Wheelchair, Patrick Gray takes his friend, Justin Skeesuck, on a 500-mile pilgrimage along the Camino de Santiago, a trail that runs from the southwest of France to Santiago de Compostela in Spain, pushing him in a wheelchair for the entire trip. Along the way, they experience the struggle in attempting a seemingly impossible goal for someone with muscular dystrophy and find many lessons in faith, hope, love, and friendship along the way.

Spend a few minutes today and watch the trailer of this heartfelt and inspirational story that caregivers everywhere can relate to and understand as they work toward making the moments of every day count for those who are living with disabilities. 

Find a theater that is playing this film near you on November 2, 2017, and purchase your tickets today!

Note: AANAC is not affiliated in any way with this documentary.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of I’ll Push You