AAPACN is dedicated to supporting post-acute care nurses provide quality care.

Search Results for: article skilled

Skilled Teaching and Training: Benefit From the Care Team’s Expertise

Like care plan management and evaluation and observation and assessment of a resident’s condition, teaching and training activities are a core nonskilled component of resident care that can rise to the level of a skilled service. Another way that these indirect skilled services are alike is that they historically haven’t …

Documentation and Monitoring for a Skilled Stay

In this podcast, Amy Stewart, MSN, RN, DNS-MT, QCP-MT, RAC-MT, RAC-MTA, chief nursing officer for AAPACN, and Jennifer LaBay, RN, RAC-MT, RAC-MTA, QCP, CRC, curriculum development specialist with AAPACN, discuss documentation and monitoring for a skilled stay. Additional Resources:

Skilled Observation and Assessment Hinges on a Reasonable Probability of Complication

Direct skilled services under Medicare Part A often are easy to identify because these services involve specific, complex caregiver-to-resident actions. Their “inherent complexity” means that they can “be performed safely and/or effectively only by or under the general supervision of skilled nursing or skilled rehabilitation personnel,” explains the Centers for …

Care Plan Management and Evaluation Can Be a Skilled Service for At-Risk Residents

The development, management, and evaluation of the resident care plan is the OBRA backbone of the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) process for all residents regardless of payer source, so it may surprise some nurse assessment coordinators (NACs) and directors of nursing (DNSs) to learn that care plan management and evaluation …

Q&A: Can we use administrative presumptive of coverage even though direct skilled care will only be provided on the first three days of the stay?

Question: We are admitting a resident today after a qualifying hospital stay who will only have a skilled service of IV antibiotics for the first three days of their stay. Could we use administrative presumptive of coverage even though direct skilled care is only provided for the first three days …

Navigating the 2024 Landscape: Updates and Changes in Medicare Impacting Skilled Nursing Facilities

The year 2024 brings a plethora of updates to the Medicare program, several significantly impacting skilled nursing facilities (SNFs). SNF staff must stay well informed about these updates to ensure proper billing and adequate coverage for a beneficiary’s skilled stay. This comprehensive article delves into key updates, encompassing changes in …

Stop and Read: Skilled Documentation Audit and Education Lessons for the NAC

Skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) are increasingly subject to skilled medical review audits from both fee-for-service Medicare (e.g., the SNF Five-Claim Probe and Educate initiative) and individual Medicare Advantage plans. Audit success ultimately hinges on documentation quality, but the presence of documentation in the medical record is no guarantee of the …

Lessons From TPE Audits: How the DNS Can Lead Toward Better Skilled Documentation

In May 2023—after the Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) program determined that skilled nursing facility (SNF) Medicare Part A services have been “a top driver” of the overall Medicare fee-for-service improper payment rate since the switch to the Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) on Oct. 1, 2019—the Centers for Medicare & …

Psychotropic Medications in the Skilled Nursing Facility: How to Manage the Process

The use of psychotropic medications in the skilled nursing facility (SNF) is a controversial issue with implications for resident, regulatory, and financial outcomes. The many requirements can be confusing, especially for a relatively new director of nursing services (DNS). This article reviews psychotropic medication requirements and offers tips to manage …