AAPACN is dedicated to supporting post-acute care nurses provide quality care.

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Q&A: A resident fell and was transported to the acute hospital for evaluation. X-rays were completed and the resident was admitted to the hospital for a fracture. Do we code the injury from the fall on the Discharge assessment or when the resident returns on the Significant Change in Status Assessment?

Question: A resident fell and was transported to the acute hospital for evaluation. X-rays were completed and the resident was admitted to the hospital for a fracture. Do we code the injury from the fall on the Discharge assessment or when the resident returns on the Significant Change in Status …

Q&A: If a resident’s skilled Medicare Part A stay ends and the resident remains in the facility an additional five days before discharging home, do I have to complete two discharge assessments?

Question: If a resident’s skilled Medicare Part A stay ends and the resident remains in the facility an additional five days before discharging home, do I have to complete two discharge assessments? Answer from Scott Heichel RN, RAC-MT, RAC-CTA, DNS-CT, QCP, ICC, IPCO: Yes, you will need an End of …

Q&A: If walking only occurs in the look-back period with therapy, can we use that to determine the usual performance or would we code not applicable or not attempted due to medical condition or safety concern?

Question: If walking only occurs in the look-back period with therapy, can we use that to determine the usual performance or would we code not applicable or not attempted due to medical condition or safety concern? Answer from Carol Maher, RN, GERO-BC, RAC-MTA, RAC-MT, CPC: In this case, I would …

A New Method for Auditing PDPM

In this podcast, Amy Stewart, MSN, RN, DNS-MT, QCP-MT, RAC-MT, RAC-MTA, chief nursing officer for AAPACN, and Jessie McGill, RN, BSN, RAC-MT, RAC-MTA, senior curriculum development specialist with AAPACN, discuss a new method for auditing the Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM).  Additional Resource:PDPM Audit by MDS Section 

Boost MDS, CAA, and Care Plan Accuracy—and Show the Value of the NAC Role

The MDS is more than a data collection tool, says Sabrena McCarley, MBA-SL, OTR/L, CLIPP, RAC-CT, QCP, FAOTA, RAC-CTA, vice president of clinical reimbursement and regulatory affairs for Transitional Care Management in Lisle, IL. McCarley will present the April 23 session “From Data Collection to Impact: The MDS as a …

Home Health

AAPACN for Home Health For more than 25 years, the American Association of Post-Acute Care Nursing (AAPACN) has been the nationally recognized leader in post-acute care nursing, providing expert resources, education, and certification. Now, we’re bringing that same expertise to home health professionals, delivering high-quality tools and support. Download our …

Uncomplicating Drug Classifications

Medications are an essential part of the care and interventions provided to residents in a skilled nursing facility. These medications may be used to manage chronic conditions, slow disease progress, ease symptoms, or even prevent a condition. With each medication, the associated risks and benefits must be considered. High-risk medications …

How to Access the Learner Dashboard, and Other AAPACN Education FAQs

More than 15,000 nursing professionals working in long-term care take AAPACN education online courses each year. One of the common questions AAPACN receives from new students is, “How can I access my Learner Dashboard?” The Learner Dashboard is the main online education hub where learners can review and start their …